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Experienced Edwards Law Firm Greenville SC | Legal Experts - ABDULLAH CENTRE

Experienced Edwards Law Firm Greenville SC | Legal Experts

The Exceptional Services of Edwards Law Firm in Greenville, SC

When it comes to legal matters, having a reliable and experienced law firm by your side can make all the difference. Edwards Law Firm in Greenville, SC, is one such establishment that has been serving the community with exceptional legal services for many years. Their dedication their expertise various areas law earned well-deserved reputation one top law firms area.


One area in which Edwards Law Firm excels is personal injury law. They have helped numerous clients receive the compensation they deserve after being injured due to the negligence of others. Their track record of successful cases speaks volumes about their commitment to their clients.

Year Number Personal Injury Cases Won
2017 15
2018 20
2019 25
2020 30

Family Law

Edwards Law Firm also offers comprehensive family law services, including divorce, child custody, and adoption. They understand the sensitive nature of these cases and provide compassionate yet effective representation for their clients.

Criminal Defense

For those facing criminal charges, having a skilled defense attorney is crucial. Edwards Law Firm has a team of experienced criminal defense lawyers who have successfully defended clients facing a wide range of charges, from DUIs to drug offenses.

Real Estate Law

Whether buying, selling, or dealing with property disputes, Edwards Law Firm provides expert legal counsel in real estate matters. Their attention to detail and knowledge of real estate laws ensure that their clients` interests are always protected.

It`s clear that Edwards Law Firm in Greenville, SC, offers a wide range of top-notch legal services. Their dedication to their clients and their proven track record of success make them a standout choice for anyone in need of legal representation.

Legal Contract for Representation with Edwards Law Firm Greenville SC

This Contract for Representation (“Contract”) is entered into by and between the undersigned client (“Client”) and Edwards Law Firm Greenville SC (“Firm”) on this [Date], regarding legal representation in the matter of [Case Title].

1. Retention Services
Client hereby retains Firm to represent Client in the legal matter of [Case Title], and Firm agrees to provide legal services for Client in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.
2. Scope Representation
Firm shall provide legal counsel, advice, and representation to Client for the duration of the legal matter. Firm shall represent Client in negotiations, court appearances, and all other legal proceedings related to the matter.
3. Legal Fees
Client agrees to pay Firm for legal services rendered at the hourly rate of $[Amount], plus any additional costs and expenses incurred during representation. Payment is due within [Number] days of receipt of invoice.
4. Termination Representation
Either party may terminate this Contract with written notice to the other party. Upon termination, Client agrees to pay for all legal services rendered by Firm up to the date of termination.
5. Governing Law
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

Get Your Legal Questions Answered by Edwards Law Firm in Greenville, SC

Question Answer
1. Can Edwards Law Firm help me with personal injury cases? Absolutely! Edwards Law Firm specializes in personal injury cases and has a proven track record of securing fair compensation for their clients. Their team of experienced attorneys will fight tirelessly for your rights and ensure that you receive the justice you deserve.
2. What types of criminal cases does Edwards Law Firm handle? Edwards Law Firm has extensive experience in handling a wide range of criminal cases, including DUI, drug offenses, assault, and more. Their skilled defense attorneys will provide you with aggressive representation and work tirelessly to defend your rights and freedoms.
3. How can I schedule a consultation with Edwards Law Firm? Scheduling a consultation with Edwards Law Firm is easy. Simply give them a call or fill out the contact form on their website, and their friendly staff will assist you in setting up a convenient appointment to discuss your legal needs.
4. Does Edwards Law Firm handle family law matters? Yes, they do! Whether you`re dealing with divorce, child custody, or other family law issues, Edwards Law Firm is here to provide compassionate and personalized legal guidance. Their family law attorneys will work tirelessly to protect your best interests and ensure a favorable outcome for your case.
5. Can Edwards Law Firm assist with estate planning and probate matters? Absolutely! The knowledgeable attorneys at Edwards Law Firm can help you with all aspects of estate planning, from drafting wills and trusts to navigating the probate process. They will provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your assets and wishes are protected.
6. What sets Edwards Law Firm apart from other law firms in Greenville, SC? Edwards Law Firm stands out for their unwavering commitment to their clients and their exceptional legal expertise. They prioritize personalized attention and go above and beyond to achieve the best possible outcomes for their clients. With Edwards Law Firm, you can trust that your case is in capable hands.
7. Can Edwards Law Firm help with business law matters? Absolutely! Whether you need assistance with contract disputes, business formation, or other legal issues affecting your business, Edwards Law Firm has the knowledge and experience to provide you with top-notch legal representation. Their business law attorneys are dedicated to helping your business thrive.
8. What should I do if I`ve been injured in a car accident? If you`ve been injured in a car accident, it`s crucial to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. Edwards Law Firm can help you navigate the complexities of personal injury claims and pursue the compensation you deserve. Their team will handle all aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
9. How does Edwards Law Firm approach client communication? At Edwards Law Firm, they prioritize open and transparent communication with their clients. You can expect regular updates on your case and prompt responses to any questions or concerns you may have. Their dedicated team is committed to keeping you informed and empowered throughout the legal process.
10. What should I bring to my initial consultation with Edwards Law Firm? For your initial consultation with Edwards Law Firm, it`s helpful to bring any relevant documents or evidence related to your case. This may include medical records, police reports, or correspondence with insurance companies. The more information you can provide, the better equipped their team will be to assess your case and provide you with informed legal guidance.



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